Looking at the name, these are my kind of sneakers. Despite the fact they spell "Charlie" a bit weird...
If you're looking for Charly
sneakers, they were sold in Brazil for a price equivalent to US
$12.50 a pair. The packaging design is very reminiscent of a Reebok
carton; the cartons might both be sourced from the same supplier in China.
I have seen a person wearing a different pair of Charly sneakers. These looked like a pair of high-top Reebok Freestyle sneakers. But, they had a different color material in the insole, similar to the appearance of a Nike Cortez. I don't know how far north from Brazil they sell them... maybe even in the USA?
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Last Updated: 13 February 2017
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Charlie's Sneaker Pages copyright 1995-2024 by Charles L. Perrin.
READERS PLEASE NOTE: Names of athletic shoe manufacturers, shoe styles, and technologies may be trademarked by the manufacturers. Charlie's Sneaker Pages uses these names solely to describe the shoes with the same familiar nomenclature used by the manufacturer and recognized by the reader.