CAUTION: Investments in the stock market can and do lose money; they can also provide significant dividend income and rewarding increases in share value. The companies I list here manufacture athletic shoes, a product whose sales are relatively unpredictable and subject to the whims of consumer demand. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. This data is historical... using historical information is akin to running backwards (it can be a good exercise but be very careful about running into the unexpected). Potential investors should examine all available data about a given stock, including but not limited to Securities and Exchange Commission filings, before investing.
For those who have asked, I Just Did It: bought about $1000 of adidas Group (made enough to buy almost any pair of sneakers they sell) and about $1000 of Nike (made enough to buy five pairs of Chucks). On the other hand, but if you want to buy stock to make money: also consider Airbus Group or Boeing.
There are a number of athletic shoe companies, a subset of the companies in Standard Industrial Code (SIC) 3021 [Rubber & Plastics, Footwear] and 3140 [Footwear (No Rubber)], that are represented in the various stock markets in the United States (NASDAQ, NYSE, or the "over the counter" market).
Deckers Outdoor Corporation (makers
of Simple shoes, Teva sport sandals
and Ugg sheepskin boots) was up 59% for the year!
One company, Under Armour, with two publicly traded classes
of stock. Under Armour Class A (ticker "UAA", voting) was up 22% over the year.
Under Armour Class C (ticker "UA", non-voting) followed right behind, up
21% over the year!
Nike stock finished in the green... their stock price
went up 19% over the year. Shareholders during 2018 received $0.82 in dividends
over the year, paid quarterly.
adidas was up 5% for the year. Shareholders during 2018
received $1.55 in an annual dividend.
Skechers USA was down 40% during the year.
Continue on to 2019's results...
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Last Updated: 1 January 2020
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Charlie's Sneaker Pages copyright 1995-2024 by Charles L. Perrin.
READERS PLEASE NOTE: Names of athletic shoe manufacturers, shoe styles, and technologies may be trademarked by the manufacturers. Charlie's Sneaker Pages uses these names solely to
describe the shoes with the same familiar nomenclature used by the manufacturer and recognized by the reader.