Charlie's Sneaker FAQ and Glossary - V
This FAQ and Glossary defines a number of terms used in regards to athletic shoes, Charlie, or sneakers.
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- Vamp
- The part of a shoe upper from the instep (middle of the
foot) forward to the toe. See the color-coded sneaker for an illustration.
- Van Doren, Paul
- Founder of the Van Doren Rubber Company.
- Van Doren Rubber Company
- The original name of the manufacturer of VANS sneakers.
The company name has since been changed to Vans, Inc. (a wholly owned
subsidiary of clothing maker
VF Corporation).

A California-based manufacturer of casual sneakers and skateboarding
shoes, founded by Paul Van Doren.
- VANS Customs
- The custom design service (similar to NIKEiD) offered for VANS footwear.
- Varsity Jacket
- What the young women jocks
in high school wear with pride (some say "arrogance") to show their successful athletic exploits.
Known as a Letterman's Jacket to
the Baby Boomers, who went to school in
the politically incorrect days before Title IX.
- Vector
- A historic Reebok logo: two
diagonal stripes going from left-to-right and one going from right-to-left. (In my
opinion, the Reebok logo has the appearance of parts of the ASICS
logo and parts of the Puma logo. The left-to-right portion
looks like it was made with a Puma sneaker and a marking
pen.) Also known as the Stripecheck.
- Vegetarian
- A term used to refer to sneakers that contain no animal products. Here are some pointers:
- Chucks are vegetarian, always have been, and probably always
will be.
- Ask the specific manufacturers at their customer service numbers,
or check their Web sites. There is enough interest in this subject that it is available on
- Use an Internet search engine
to look for a "Vegetarian FAQ." The FAQ maintainers frequently update this
- Among the great ironies of the athletic
shoe industry: Nike introduced a shoe
called the Air Carnivore. Of course,
it was vegetarian.
- Velcro
- A brand name for hook-and-loop fasteners made by Velcro
Industries BV. Sometimes used as a closure device on sneakers,
particularly those worn by little kids and old folks. Also see zipper for another occasionally used closure device.
- Vintage
- A term sometimes used to refer to discontinued sneakers
from the past. Here are some hints for
for finding vintage products:
- Try an on-line auction service. The eBay auction
service is frequently mentioned in various Internet
newsgroups, but there are others.
- Try a manufacturers' factory outlet store; they frequently have recently discontinued
- Go to garage sales and thrift stores. You'll be amazed what you'll find!
- If you want last years' model, get a time machine and go buy them last year...
you'll have to invent the time machine first.
In decreasing order of desirability, vintage sneakers can be classed as New
Old Stock, Deadstock, and just plain
"used." Reissues are functionally
vintage sneakers, but they are brand-new production.
- VisiZoom AIR
- A fancy marketing term for a variant of Nike
Zoom AIR where the AIR component extends to
the edge of the midsole.
- Volleyball

A game that uses a
round ball (traditionally white: but nowadays, volleyballs are made in
almost any color) and a long net mounted from poles; compare to basketball. During warm weather, played on the beach by
players in swimwear. During the winter, played in
overheated gymnasiums by players in T-shirts,
shorts, and sneakers. It's an easy way to wipe out an ankle really bad.
- Vulcanization

(typically) canvas
sneaker manufacturing, the process of attaching the
upper to the sole.
This is typically done by wrapping foxing along
the bottom. Then, the vulcanization equipment applies pressure, (sometimes)
heat, and (sometimes) additional chemicals to bond all the parts together.
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Last Updated: 17 June 2017
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Charlie's Sneaker Pages copyright 1995-2024 by Charles L. Perrin.
READERS PLEASE NOTE: Names of athletic shoe manufacturers, shoe styles, and technologies may be trademarked by the manufacturers. Charlie's Sneaker Pages uses these names solely to describe the shoes with the same familiar nomenclature used by the manufacturer and recognized by the reader.